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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Personal Oracle for the Year of the Horse
4:03 PM | Posted by
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Copyright courtesy of Viktoria Makarova |
frantic barks were too much to ignore. I closed my laptop and walked out to the
deck expecting to see a horse and rider trotting along the arroyo behind the
house. What I saw instead was a
woman strolling along in a long white skirt with boots on her feet. A rope in
her hand was looped around the neck of a majestic white horse with no saddle.
The rope that connected the woman and the horse was slack, as if they were out
for a leisurely walk together. I watched in amazement. Everything in me wanted
to call out to her, but I knew better. She glanced over, we waved and it felt
like a blessing.
significance of the event began to expand when I shared the story with a
friend. I told her that since it occurred January 1, I felt like it was a New
Year’s Day gift from the universe. That’s when she mentioned that 2014 is the
Year of the Horse.
reminded me of a reading I had the year before Tarcher/Penguin purchased my
manuscript. The reader looked at the cards spread out before us and said that
she’d never seen so many horses in one reading, explaining that to her horse
represented Spirit. She went on to say that I had been working diligently for
decades like a camel carrying the load on my own. She said from that point on
Spirit would carry my first book out into the world. The reader was right. All
of the right people have been drawn to EVERYDAY ORACLES. Each sharing their
expertise, all serving as spirit horses if you will. I am grateful for the
visible and invisible ways Spirit continues to move the message of personal
oracles through the amazing web of interconnections that link and support us
woman and the horse walking together were a New Year’s Day personal oracle: a
sign to me that Spirit will be there to carry my new projects, Cloud-Speak
Personal Oracle Book and Cards and Personal Oracle Cafes, out into the world in
I was putting the finishing touches on this blog when an owl called.
Intrigued, I followed the sound and discovered a brown owl sitting perfectly
still, camouflaged within the branches of a Palo Verde tree. Something kept drawing me back to the
window; I thought it was to catch owl moving. The last time I looked something made me step outside. As I
closed the door behind me I heard horses hooves approaching from the distance
and caught a glimpse of two horses and riders. They moved closer and I
recognized one as the woman and her magnificent white horse. This time she was
fully engaged in the act of riding. She was adorned in riding gear, complete
with helmet, as was the person on the chestnut horse riding the well-worn path
with her.
I invite you to
become fully engaged and join me in 2014 to
manifest your intention supported by spirit horse energy.
- What are your goals and dreams?
- Are you willing to do the hard work required to bring them to fruition?
- How about harnessing the energy of this year of the horse to help you make your dreams come true?
The Chinese year of the
horse is a time for all people to go forward confidently in the direction of
their goals and dreams.
# # #
In her bestselling book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All
Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable stories and photos to
introduce the formula for how personal oracles work, then teaches you how to
recognize and decode yours. If you have personal oracle experiences to
share, please submit them to Ann through her website She will respond
personally. And while you’re there, check out the cloud photos in the
interactive “What Do You See
Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic muscles. Who knows, you may
discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight, just waiting to deliver a
special message to you.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Synchronicities: Personal Oracles That Help Us Navigate
8:11 PM | Posted by
out these lyrics and images for your own secret messages.
Hello Ann,
I’ve been watching your show on Public Access
in Tucson, AZ. I’ve been moved to place my experiences on your website. Since
a very young age, this concept of 'synchronicity" has followed me all my
life in ways that brought both happiness and terrible deep pain and sadness. I
am not sure of how or what they signify, for example: I can be listening
to someone talk about a show they saw on TV and forget about it...then later on
I turn on the TV and there is that same show. Or (like many) can be
wishing for that certain song to appear on the radio and there it will be. I
also find that I can purchase articles of clothing in colors I enjoy, then, at
completely different dates and times find matching items that match perfectly
or close to perfect and they have nothing to do with each other - other than
the clothes match.
While these examples are quite simple and
light, others such as: being hired at the same company of a former lover that I
had no idea was there and who eventually broke my entire heart and mind and
brain and spine to where I ended up in the hospital- is more of a poignant
In 2011, I lost this same job at the hospital
(Carondelet) after over 10 years of employment and at the same time a 15-year
relationship ended within months of each other. How "uppity"
and "Stuck-up" I was to think I was just going to
"bounce-back" into the world. I didn't. I fell lower and
lower and more deep down into a sadness Id never ever experienced before. I
began listening to songs on my cell phone. Random maybe? Such as
"Hallelujah," and Paul McCartney's "Admiral Halsey," - so random
and the music is about 30 years older than myself. I turned on a
movie one day about depression and within one of the scenes as the background
music, was the Paul McCartney song.
Then I went to a concert at the U of A to hear
KD Lang sing and she did her own rendition of "Hallelujah," I was
crying in my chair. Sometimes I think it was an Angel or the Universe
just tapping me on the shoulder saying, "I hear you - I see you in such
pain and it’s going to be ok."
Maybe that's what I was being told? I
don't know what to think???
Any advice would be helpful.
Thank you.
Hello Mellinda,
First, let me say that I deeply appreciate you taking the time to share
the synchronicities you’ve experienced all of your life as well as the ones you
recognized that helped you make your way through those devastating times. By
sharing your experiences you are offering insight and inspiration to others.
And, Congratulations on successfully decoding the personal oracle
message spirit was sending you: “I
hear you – I see you in such pain and it is going to be Ok.”
Your examples of everyday synchronicities are great, how wonderful that
they don’t slip by you unnoticed! The song Hallelujah was an amazing gift from
the universe during the dark times. (It always gives me Goosebumps)
Here is another gift to you via me. The song is Anthem by Leonard Coehn.
It contains one of my favorite lines: There is a crack in
everything. That’s how the light gets in”
You seem to be navigating your way through, so I don’t know if I can
give you any advice, but I can offer a couple of truths to hold on to.
The first is from an old Apache storyteller who reminds us:
“The plants, trees, clouds, rocks, fire, water are
all alive. They watch is and see our needs. They see when we have nothing to
protect us, and it is then they reveal themselves and speak to us.”
The second is the formula for how personal oracles operate.
+ Delivery System + Message = Personal Oracle
When we embrace the fact that the universe is designed to support our
needs, and that we are never alone it can give us the hope and courage we need
to make our way through everything.
Thanks again for sharing – please stay in touch.
In her bestselling and award-winning book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable stories and photos to introduce the formula for how personal oracles work, then teaches you how to recognize and decode yours. If you have personal oracle experiences to share, please submit them to Ann through this website She will respond personally. And while you’re here, check out the cloud photos in the interactive “What Do You See Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic muscles. Who knows, you may discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight, just waiting to deliver a special message to you.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The Personal Oracle Behind Heidi's Mysterious Bear
10:54 AM | Posted by
A big thank you
to Adele Park for hosting me as a guest blogger last November. Take a moment
and check out Adele
Park’s Quirky Audio Book blog. Treasures abound!

I had circled the plaza once, but had no luck finding a parking space so decided to make one more complete trip around, and if no place opened up I would go to the post office and then come back and try again. I remember telling myself, if I’m supposed to find a parking place, one will open up…. And it did!
I purchased the gifts and walked back to my car amidst a sea of commotion. A man in a car had stopped mid-traffic and was chatting away with friend, and both seemed oblivious to the back-up of cars, even the car blasting its horn directly behind them. It looked like I was going nowhere anytime soon, so I loaded the packages in my car and then checked my phone for messages. After a while I started the engine and glanced in my rearview mirror. The only thing visible was the familiar shape of the spare tire that hangs on the back of my car and the big Taos Chili Line bus sitting patiently behind a car that I thought it was waiting for my parking space. I had a strong feeling someone, maybe a pedestrian, was behind my car so I took another look behind, then on either side of my car and when no one was in sight I began to edge out. I did hear a lot of urgent honking but thought it was coming from an impatient driver. Next thing I heard was a crunch.
My heart sank. The good news - the crunch was not a pedestrian. The bad news – I had just backed into a beat-up car that looked like it was struggling to hang on well beyond its expiration date. The car with a newly crumpled right fender pulled into the alley entrance that was next to my car. Before getting out, I riffled through the glove compartment for insurance papers. They were always there, but today they were nowhere to be found. Sheepishly, I leapt out of the car and rushed over to the driver, ready to shower the woman with apologies. I was greeted by the kind earnest face of Heidi Svoboda. It felt more like a meeting of kindred spirits than a confrontation, even before she told me she was an energy worker who specialized in dogs. Yes, she did know someone who could repair her fender and guessed they would charge around $150. I had a gut feeling that I was supposed to give her more than that amount so that she could have her car repaired and have money left over. I had just been to the bank and had $500.00 in cash. The $500 is Heidi’s, my gut said.
I placed the cash in her hand.
“You’ll never know how much I need this,” she said. Then she pointed to the silver bear pin with the small turquoise stone that I was wearing at the neck of my shirt. Heidi described in striking detail the bear cloud she had seen a few days earlier in the sky above Taos. And that wasn’t all. She went on to tell me about a reading she had before she saw the bear cloud. A psychic told Heidi not to worry, that bear energy would take care of her! The pieces of an invisible moving sidewalk started to fall into place.
It’s interesting to note that I rarely wear that bear pin – yet that morning something drew me to it. Without giving it any special thought, I pinned it on. That was my first step onto this invisible moving sidewalk. The synchronicities continued to add up. I had just been to the bank and had cash in hand for Heidi. After circling the square a second time, a particular parking space opened that put my car at the right place at the right time.
Don’t get me wrong. I take full responsibility for backing into Heidi’s car. But when we look through the paradigm of personal oracles we can see that my bear pin and I were playing a part in Heidi’s invisible moving sidewalk. Heidi needed a helping hand and I became the delivery system for the Universe.
Isn’t it comforting to know that the Universe has our back – always?
Need + Delivery
System + Message = Personal Oracle
# # #
In her bestselling and award-winning book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable stories and photos to introduce the formula for how personal oracles work, then teaches you how to recognize and decode yours. If you have personal oracle experiences to share, please submit them to Ann through this website She will respond personally. And while you’re here, check out the cloud photos in the interactive “What Do You See Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic muscles. Who knows, you may discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight, just waiting to deliver a special message to you.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
A Favorite Personal Oracle Story to Start the New Year
11:31 AM | Posted by
the end of 2013, I had a chance to connect with Dirk Terpstra, and such a pleasure it
has been! Dirk, a contributor to OMTimes Magazine,
started a website called Super Souls.
As this site says, Dirk is a true believer in the principle of promoting
Kindness, Happiness, Peace, a balanced lifestyle and spreading Love.
and I spoke over the phone and he posted our interview on his December 30th blog. I’d like to start the 2014
New Year with an excerpt from that interview, which seems only fitting since it
involves one of my all time favorite personal oracle stories and also the energy of my
new friend, Dirk Terpstra.
the way, you can follow Dirk on Twitter at @MySuperSouls and on Facebook at Super Souls.
SS: Can you
share your favorite personal oracle with us?

In his book The Scalpel and the Soul: Encounters with Surgery, the Supernatural,
and the Healing Power of Hope, Dr. Hamilton, a Harvard-trained
neurosurgeon, shares the following personal oracle story.
Dr. Hamilton with the University of
Arizona’s Medical Center here in Tucson, which is where politician Gabrielle
Giffords went after she was shot.
Dr. Hamilton lives
on a ranch outside of Tucson and at the time of this story, was driving to the
hospital to do neurosurgery on one of his patients. Suddenly, he had to slam on
the brakes. Three buzzards were standing in the middle of the road shredding a
carcass of a dead jackrabbit. He was bothered by the gruesome scene, but he
drove on, of course, and arrived at the hospital.
While his patient was being wheeled
into the operating room, Dr. Hamilton saw the patient’s wife lean over her
husband, kiss him on the forehead and refer to him as “my little bunny.” The
image of the dead rabbit and the buzzards feeding on it flashed into Dr. Hamilton’s
mind, and he knew right then that the buzzards had offered a warning to him. He
cancelled the surgery. Four hours later, his patient suffered a massive heart
attack and went into cardiac arrest. Medical personal were able to respond and
the patient lived. Had heart attack occurred in the middle of the surgery, however, it
probably would have been fatal.
Fortunately for the patient and his
family, Dr. Hamilton trusted his inner wisdom and intuition, paid attention to
the personal oracle delivered to him, and acted on its message.
# # #
In her bestselling and award-winning book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable stories and photos to introduce the formula for how personal oracles work, then teaches you how to recognize and decode yours. If you have personal oracle experiences to share, please submit them to Ann through this website She will respond personally. And while you’re here, check out the cloud photos in the interactive “What Do You See Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic muscles. Who knows, you may discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight, just waiting to deliver a special message to you.
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