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Friday, March 21, 2014
Prophetic Dreams: Personal Oracle Gifts
6:00 AM | Posted by
Today's post was originally published in Inner Self Newsletter, a wonderful publication that posts articles about intuition and awareness, parenting and pets, health and healing, dream interpretation, horoscopes, and more. And subscriptions are free!
By taking action on a prophetic dream, this woman kept her property safe. The dream took place on some property Sheila owns in another state. A trailer sits on the property. In her dream, the trailer door was wide open, and all of the neighbors were milling in and out at random, throwing beer cans and trash all around.
Prophetic Dreams: Crinkles in Time Giving Advance Warning?

In the wake of disasters, multiple reports of prophetic dreams and oracles often surface. Immediately after the Titanic sank, dozens of people reported canceling their trip because of dreams that foretold of the sinking. It makes you wonder how many others had a similar warning but ignored it and paid the price.
A mother, a father, and their five children were all fast asleep when frantic screams jarred the parents wide awake. “Daddy’s dead, Daddy’s dead, Daddy’s dead!” The parents rushed down the hall to comfort their hysterical son. The father picked up the four-year-old and held him close, patting him and whispering, “Everything’s okay. Daddy’s right here.”
In the morning the boy was still upset. As they went through the familiar routine of getting all of the children fed and ready for the day, the parents realized they couldn’t just drop the little guy off at day care as usual. They decided to alter their routine. The mother would take the older children to school, and the father would take their son to day care. The father phoned his office to let people know he’d be late for a scheduled meeting and then drove his son to preschool.
Case #1: Paying Attention to Prophetic Dreams
The father and son met with the boy’s teacher to discuss what had occurred the night before. After making sure that the boy was calm and settled in his normal routine, the father clicked back into work mode and set off, late for his meeting at the Twin Towers in New York City. On the way, he checked for voice messages. There was one. He expected it to be an update about his nine o’clock meeting. Instead he heard his wife’s frantic voice pleading, “Don’t go into the city. Please don’t. And tell me you’re not there. Please, tell me you’re not there. Turn around and come back home.”
A sick feeling overcame him. Something felt terribly wrong. She was practically crying. Then he heard her say, “An airplane just exploded into the Twin Towers.”
The date was September 11, 2001. Thanks to their son’s prophetic dream and their decision to prioritize their son’s needs, the father never made it to his meeting, but drove back to their home in New Jersey unharmed.
Case #2: Taking Action on Prophetic Dreams

Sheila says that it was one of those dreams that you watch from outside the dream box; you’re not in the cast of characters.
The dream was unsettling. Sheila hadn’t visited the property for some time since it was an eight-hour drive each way, but the message of the dream kept nagging at her. She decided to make a road trip to check on her property. Sure enough, when she arrived, the door was wide open and her trailer was trashed. Thanks to the dream, she was able to secure the trailer and avoid further problems.
Prophetic Dreams: A Crinkle In Time Giving Advance Warning?
Perhaps you’ve had your own prophetic dreams. I’ll always remember one I had when my daughter Julie was about three. In the dream I walk to the edge of a swimming pool and look down into the water. There, at the bottom of the pool, is Julie’s lifeless body clad in her pink-and-white-checked swimsuit. I awoke filled with dread, and from that moment on, I never could relax when Julie and I were around a swimming pool.
I heaved a sigh of relief when she grew out of that little pink swimsuit and then dismissed the dream as irrelevant. I never gave any more thought to the idea of this dream being prophetic until I was working on this chapter. Then I realized that the image of Julie’s dead body at the bottom of a swimming pool made me watch her even closer.
Of course, I will never know for sure, but I’m beginning to wonder if the dream was a crinkle in time, giving me advance warning of a possibility that was out there. If that is true, perhaps the dream and the caution it generated in me saved Julie’s life.
What About You?
Have you ever had what seemed to be a prophetic dream and later dismissed it as irrelevant because you adjusted your behavior accordingly?
©2013 by Ann Bolinger-McQuade.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, a member of
Penguin Group (USA).
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, a member of
Penguin Group (USA).
# # #
In her bestselling book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable stories and photos to introduce the formula for how personal oracles work and then teaches you how to recognize and decode yours. If you have personal oracle experiences to share, please submit them to Ann through her website She will respond personally. And while you’re there, check out the cloud photos in the interactive “What Do You See Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic muscles. Who knows, you may discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight, just waiting to deliver a special message to you.
If you are looking for a community of kindred spirits check out her new website and then join in. Also new and coming soon, CLOUD-SPEAK PERSONAL ORACLE BOOK AND CARDS. We will let you know when they are available.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Tucson Festival of Books
8:09 AM | Posted by
you’re in the Tucson area this weekend, I hope you’ll stop by the Tucson
Festival of Books located on the University of Arizona campus and say hello!
I’m honored to be returning as one of the 400 authors who have been invited to participate in
panels, presentations and book signings.
is the 4th largest book festival in the US and draws over 100,000 people
of all ages and interests to the campus for two days of fascinating and
fun-filled activities. Peruse their website to find your favorite authors and
see what appeals to you and your family.
The Festival has
something for everyone – author panels talking about every genre of writing;
countless exhibitors with book related wares; a food court with snacks from
cotton candy to delicious bar-b-que; a culinary stage with renown chefs, a
circus, Science City, and more. The children’s activity
center is always a delight – did somebody say face painting?
to the interactive map on their extremely efficient website I’ve already
located where both of my events will be held.
· Saturday,
March 15
– 2:00 pm
From Book Proposal to Published Book
I’ll be presenting
on this panel with my amazing agent Claire Gerus and new friend Armen Bacon,
author of Griefland, “an intimate
portraint of love, loss and unlikely frienship.” Our moderator will be local
lawyer Jim Whitehill. A booksigning will follow.
Panel topic: What is the process of publishing a
book? For those publishing by traditional methods, it starts with a book
proposal that attracts the players needed to secure a publishing deal. But that’s
just the beginning of the publishing process – a process that’s also useful for
self-publishers to understand.
· Sunday,
March 16
– 2:00 pm
Writing for the Spiritual Market
In the first half of
this program, I will be sharing what made EVERYDAY ORACLES Decoding The Divine Messages That Are All Around Us a
best seller. I also will introduce personal oracle cafes ( and pass out prototypes of my new CLOUD-SPEAK PERSONAL ORACLE CARDS.
In the second half, Dr. Kermie Wohlenhaus, the gifted author of How to Talk and Actually
Listen to Your Guardian Angel, will share her insight on her work, and if there is
time after the Q and A she will lead us in a little intuitive development.
Workshop topic: Hundreds of spiritual books have been perennial
bestsellers. What has made them so? Learn from two published authors of
spiritual books what works and doesn’t work for this market.
I hope to see you at one or both events!
# # #
In her bestselling book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All
Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable stories and photos to
introduce the formula for how personal oracles work and then teaches you how to
recognize and decode yours. If you have personal oracle experiences to
share, please submit them to Ann through her website She will respond
personally. And while you’re there, check out the cloud photos in the
interactive “What Do You See
Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic muscles. Who knows, you may
discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight, just waiting to deliver a
special message to you.
If you are looking for a
community of kindred spirits check out her new website and then join in. Also new and coming soon, CLOUD-SPEAK
PERSONAL ORACLE BOOK AND CARDS. We will let you know when they are available.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Academy Awards: Ancestral Messages and Hummingbird Metaphors
7:10 AM | Posted by
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been a big fan of
the Academy Awards. So you can imagine my joy when I stumble across celebrities
associated with this event who share their significant personal oracle
experiences as a matter of course.
The first time I noticed this happen was in 2006 when one of
my favorite actors took the stage to accept the Oscar for Best Actor for his
powerful portrayal of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland. Forest Whitaker stood at the podium,
appearing calm and grounded. He closed his eyes and bowed his head and then
remained perfectly silent for quite some time, as if letting this extraordinary
moment settle into the very heart of his being. Finally he spoke. “I can feel
the breath on my neck and the tingling in my body. For me it is like my
ancestors speaking to me.”
A few days ago I was reading an interview with Ellen Degeneres,
host of the 2014 Oscars, in People Magazine,
where she said “the most helpful folks in my life have been animals.” Her
relationship with animals began as a child when she saved the life of a
mockingbird that had fallen out of its nest in a tree. The other children began
teasing it and poking it with sticks. Ellen rescued the little mockingbird,
then took it home and nurtured it. When it was full grown she returned it to
the same tree and released it.
After Ellen’s sitcom was cancelled in 1998 she noticed a
hummingbird in a fountain that looked like it was dead. When she reached in to
remove it, she saw that it was still alive. She held it up to the sun and it
began to flap its wings and then flew straight up and then back out into the
world. Ellen interpreted it as a metaphor for her life. “That just when you think
you should give up there is a hand that comes and gets you and goes, Nope,
you’re going to be okay.”
Whether it’s our ancestors making their presence felt to
support us, a hummingbird signaling
that we are going to be okay or every other message imaginable, these signs
appear all around us everyday.
It is easy to slip into an illusion of separateness until
something occurs to remind us that being isolated and alone is an illusion.
All we have to do is tune in and notice those hidden hands
of universal support that are always there for us.
# # #
In her bestselling book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine
Messages That Are All Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable
stories and photos to introduce the formula for how personal oracles work, then
teaches you how to recognize and decode yours. If you have personal
oracle experiences to share, please submit them to Ann through her website - She will respond
personally. And while you’re there, check out the cloud photos in the
interactive “What Do You See Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic
muscles. Who knows, you may discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight,
just waiting to deliver a special message to you.
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